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The Ultimate List of Pros and Cons of CDD Fees

Pros and Cons of CDD Fees

Community Development Districts (CDDs) are becoming more and more common throughout the United places, particularly in places like Florida. The aforementioned districts were set up to fund, develop, establish, acquire, build, or restore community improvements on a large scale. Homeowners in these districts frequently pay CDD fees, which go toward paying for these upgrades.

However, just like any other financial commitment, CDD payments have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. In order to assist you make an informed choice about living in a CDD community, we prepared the ultimate list of pros and cons of CDD fees.

What are CDD Fees?

The Community Development District, a local, special-purpose governmental structure recognized by Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes, is in charge of collecting CDD fees. These charges go toward paying off the long-term loans that were used to construct the community’s infrastructure, including its utilities, roadways and recreational amenities.

These costs, which are normally billed as part of property taxes, are the responsibility of homeowners in CDD communities. You can find out more about CDD fees in Florida here.

Pros of CDD Fees

Here are 7 good aspects of having CDD fees.

1. Improved Infrastructure

The first positive on the list of the pros and cons of CDD fees is improved infrastructure. This is one of the main advantages of CDD payments. Homeowners may anticipate well-maintained and high-quality facilities in their neighborhood since the fees are used to finance the building of roadways, water drainage systems, and other vital amenities.

For example, a CDD neighborhood in Tampa may have modern leisure facilities, asphalt roads, and effective sewage systems, all paid for by CDD taxes.

2. Increased Property Value

Infrastructure and facilities that are kept up to date can raise property prices. Homes in CDD communities with excellent services, parks, and recreation areas are likely to sell for more money than comparable homes in non-CDD communities.

For homeowners hoping to sell their house in the future, this may be a huge benefit. You can take a look at our table to find out the average home prices in Florida compared to other states.

3. Transparent Use of Funds

The law requires CDDs to produce thorough financial accounts, providing accountability for how the fees are used. As a result, property owners can readily monitor how their money is being invested in their neighborhood and where it is going.

4. Stable Community Budget

These communities frequently have a solid budget for maintenance and renovations because to a steady stream of CDD payments. Due to this stability, the community can maintain and grow steadily without having to deal with unexpected financial difficulties.

5. No Personal Liability

Homeowners are not responsible if a CDD fails to make its bond payments. The community’s homes cannot be repossessed by the bondholders. This gives homeowners an additional level of financial security.

6. Attractive Amenities

CDD payments sometimes pay for features that smaller HOAs or individual homeowners may not be able to afford. Clubhouses, tennis courts, and public swimming pools are examples of such amenities. For instance, a CDD community in Orlando may have a variety of facilities, such walking trails and golf courses, all of which are maintained by CDD fees.

7. Long-term Planning

Long-term plans for community development are frequently included in CDDs, ensuring that the community keeps expanding and changing. Homeowners who want to stay in the neighborhood for a longer period of time may find comfort in this long-term goal.

Cons of CDD Fees

These are 7 negatives of your property having CDD fees.

1. Additional Financial Burden

Homeowners incur additional costs due to CDD payments. These costs can be significant, potentially increasing yearly property tax payments by thousands of dollars. This may be a substantial financial burden for those on a limited budget.

2. Fees Can Increase

Although CDD fees are calculated based on bond repayment schedules, they may rise if the CDD incurs new debt or if property values drop. For homeowners, budgeting for this instability may be difficult.

3. Potential for Mismanagement

A CDD has the potential for poor management, just like any other organization. Homeowners might not observe the anticipated changes in their neighborhood if monies are not utilized effectively.

4. Harder to Sell Property

Even though the value of real estate in CDD areas might be higher, selling one can be challenging. The added CDD costs may put off prospective purchasers, especially if they are not familiar with the idea.

5. No Opt-Out

You are required to pay the CDD fees after you purchase a property in a CDD neighborhood. Even if you don’t utilize or enjoy the amenities and services supported by the fees, there is no way to opt-out. This is one of the largest cons on this list of the pros and cons of CDD fees. You can sometimes be paying money towards infrastructure that doesn’t impact on your unique daily life.

6. Limited Control Over Fee Usage

CDDs provide transparency in their financial transactions, but homeowners have little control over how the fees are spent. If homeowners believe their priorities aren’t being taken into consideration, this may be irritating.

7. Potential for Overdevelopment

Communities with CDD run the risk of over-development if a reliable source of finance is not available. This can result in the destruction of natural areas or the building of disruptive buildings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about CDD Fees

Here are some commonly asked questions about CDD fees. If you have any that we haven’t answered, write a comment and we will respond!

1. What happens if I don’t pay my CDD fees?

The CDD has the right to put a lien on a property if a homeowner fails to make their CDD payments. Similar to not paying property taxes, this is. The CDD may eventually start foreclosure procedures to recoup the debt if the fees are not paid.

2. Are CDD fees tax-deductible?

The percentage of CDD fees used to pay the interest on the CDD bonds may be tax deductible. CDD fees are normally included in the property tax statement. Yet, to precisely calculate the deductibility based on specific circumstances, it is necessary to consult with a tax expert.

3. How are CDD fees different from Homeowners Association (HOA) fees?

While HOA fees are used to maintain and run community facilities and common spaces, CDD fees are primarily used to pay off bonds for community infrastructure and enhancement projects. A homeowner in a CDD neighborhood has the option of paying both CDD and HOA obligations.

4. Can CDD fees be negotiated when buying a home?

The Community Development District determines CDD fees, which are non-negotiable. Yet, if you’re buying a house, you can bargain with the seller about who will pay the current year’s fees or if any price changes will be made taking the CDD obligation into account.

5. How long do I have to pay CDD fees?

The repayment of bonds, which may have periods as long as 30 years or more, is often linked to CDD fees. The part of the CDD charge associated with bond repayment will end after the bonds have been repaid. For the continuous upkeep and management of the CDD’s assets, there could be a lower price, nevertheless.

6. Can I prepay my CDD fees?

Homeowners that prepay their assessments can essentially pay off their portion of the community’s debt in some CDDs. Homeowners wishing to sell their property or those who would rather not pay an annual CDD charge may find this to be an appealing choice. It’s important to confirm prepayment options with the particular CDD.

7. How are CDD fees determined?

The total amount of bonds issued for community improvements, as well as their repayment plan, determine CDD fees. Then, according to a formula that frequently takes into account property size and usage, the fees are shared among the homeowners in the CDD.


For homeowners, CDD payments provide both benefits and drawbacks. They can result in better infrastructure, rising property prices, and appealing amenities, but they also come with costs as well as potential difficulties. Before choosing to purchase a house in a CDD neighborhood, prospective homeowners must carefully balance these benefits and drawbacks.

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