kettle boiling water

10 Things That Use Gas in an Apartment

Appliances That Use Gas in an Apartment

In today’s modern American apartments, gas plays an essential role as a resource that powers several crucial household items. Its cost-effectiveness, energy efficiency, and user-friendliness make it popular with renters and homeowners. 

When moving into a new apartment or assessing your energy consumption, you must understand gas-powered appliances and systems. By identifying 10 things that use gas in an apartment, you’re taking a proactive step toward more efficient energy management, which can result in potential cost savings and a reduced environmental footprint.

This article aims to reveal ten common items in an apartment that rely on gas, shedding light on how they function and why gas is the preferred energy source for them. We will also discuss why gas bills are high and how to save money with gas-powered appliances.

1. Gas Stoves and Ovens

Stoves and ovens are common gas appliances in apartments. Both amateur and professional chefs appreciate their precise temperature control and fast heating. A gas stove provides a direct flame, enabling even cooking and delivering a traditional culinary experience.

Additionally, in the event of power outages, a gas stove continues to function, ensuring uninterrupted meal preparation. On the other hand, gas ovens excel at efficient baking and roasting, maintaining a moist cooking environment that is often favored for meats and baked goods.

2. Water Heaters

Water heaters represent another frequently encountered gas-powered fixture in apartments, playing a pivotal role in guaranteeing a consistent supply of hot water for showers, dish-washing, and laundry. Gas water heaters are renowned for their swift heating capacity when compared to their electric counterparts. This faster recovery rate reduces the likelihood of running out of hot water during peak usage. Because natural gas is cheaper than electricity, gas water heaters are often cheaper in the long run.

3. Heating Systems

With the onset of winter, the need for a dependable heating system becomes paramount to ensuring a comfortable living environment. Many apartments opt for gas-based heating systems due to their efficiency in swiftly and evenly warming up spaces. Gas furnaces can reach higher temperatures than electric or oil-based systems, ensuring a cozy atmosphere even in the harshest winter climates. Renters and homeowners on a budget may prefer gas heating because it is less expensive.

4. Gas Fireplaces

Gas fireplaces add sophistication and comfort to an apartment, filling it with warmth on cooler nights. They represent a convenient and cleaner alternative to traditional wood-burning fireplaces, demanding less upkeep and providing effortless operation with a simple switch. Gas fireplaces also offer the advantage of adjustable flame control, granting you the ability to regulate the heat output, thereby enhancing both energy efficiency and comfort.

5. Clothes Dryers

Many people choose gas-powered clothes dryers for faster drying and better fabric care. These appliances are known for drying clothes quickly and evenly due to their steady heat. Gas dryers are frequently lauded for their energy efficiency and long-term cost-effectiveness, rendering them an intelligent choice for environmentally conscious apartment dwellers who are also mindful of their budgets.

6. Outdoor Grills

Those with outdoor space prefer gas grills for outdoor cooking. They excel in rapid heating, precise temperature control, and delivering a clean-burning experience, surpassing charcoal grills in popularity. Gas grills present a convenient and sociable approach to savoring outdoor cooking, all the while minimizing the mess and environmental impact typically associated with charcoal or wood-burning grills.

7. Space Heaters

Space heaters offer a practical solution for targeted heating within apartments, particularly in rooms that may be less frequently used or lack adequate insulation. Gas-powered space heaters are renowned for their ability to swiftly heat up spaces and sustain a comfortable temperature over time. They can serve as a cost-effective solution for enhancing heating in specific areas of your apartment, thereby reducing the necessity to increase the central heating system.

8. Gas Lanterns and Lighting

Gas lanterns and lighting fixtures introduce a vintage charm and a welcoming, warm glow to an apartment. They can be employed in both indoor and outdoor settings, delivering a distinct ambiance that electric lighting frequently cannot emulate. Gas lighting also furnishes a dependable source of illumination in the event of power outages, enhancing both convenience and safety in your living space.

9. Pool/Spa Heaters

In apartments featuring communal or private pools and spas, gas heaters are frequently utilized to sustain a comfortable water temperature. These heaters excel in their ability to efficiently warm substantial volumes of water swiftly, ensuring that the pool or spa is ready for use within a short span.

The rapid heating capacity of gas heaters positions them as the favored choice for numerous apartment communities, offering residents a luxurious amenity to relish.

10. Emergency Generators

Finally, gas-powered emergency generators prove to be invaluable assets for apartments that are susceptible to power outages. They offer a dependable source of backup power, guaranteeing the continued operation of essential appliances and systems during electrical disruptions. Gas generators are celebrated for their robust performance and can serve as a lifesaver in scenarios where a consistent power supply is of paramount importance.

5 Reasons Why Gas Bills Can Be High

Gas bills can occasionally catch you off guard, leaving you puzzled by their unexpected size. Knowing what causes your gas bills to rise can help you take proactive steps to lower your monthly costs. Here are five significant factors contributing to elevated gas bills:

  • Inefficient Appliances 

A major contributor to high gas bills often stems from the use of outdated or inefficient appliances. Older models of stoves, ovens, water heaters, and heating systems may require more gas to function efficiently. Additionally, the absence of modern energy-saving features found in newer appliances can exacerbate gas consumption.

  • Poor Insulation

Insulation serves as a vital factor in preserving a comfortable temperature in your apartment. Inadequate insulation permits heat to escape during the winter and infiltrate during the summer, prompting your heating and cooling systems to exert more effort. This heightened workload on your gas heating system ultimately results in increased gas consumption. 

  • Leaky Gas Lines

While gas leaks pose inherent dangers, they can also lead to elevated gas bills. Even minor leaks in the gas line or connections can result in a notable amount of wasted gas over time. Addressing gas leaks promptly serves a dual purpose: it mitigates potential hazards and contributes to savings on your gas bills.

  • Incorrect Meter Readings

Gas bills can rise due to inaccurate meter readings. Human error or malfunctioning meters can lead to the inaccurate recording of gas consumption.

Therefore, it’s a prudent practice to regularly monitor your gas meter readings and cross-reference them with the billed amount. Should you identify any discrepancies, promptly reach out to your gas provider to rectify the errors. Ensuring accurate meter readings ensures that you are billed correctly for the precise amount of gas you genuinely use.

  • Excessive Usage

Finally, overusing gas appliances can significantly raise your gas bills. For instance, maintaining excessively high thermostat settings during the winter or using the gas stove or oven more frequently than required can result in increased gas consumption. 

5 Effective Ways to Save Money on Your Gas Bill

Here are some ways to assist you in trimming your gas bill and achieving greater control over your finances:

  • Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances

Switching to energy-efficient appliances can reduce gas costs. Contemporary gas appliances are equipped with advanced features and designs that optimize gas usage while maintaining or even enhancing performance.

For example, an ENERGY STAR certified gas range or water heater can achieve the same or superior results as older, less efficient models while consuming less gas. The initial cost may be higher, but these appliances can save a lot over time. It’s an investment that not only trims your gas bill but also contributes to a more environmentally friendly future.

  • Regular Maintenance and Timely Repairs

Routine maintenance can boost gas appliances and heating system efficiency and lower your gas bill. As time passes, appliances may experience wear, and minor issues can escalate into significant problems that impede their effectiveness. If you suspect any issues with your gas, you must notify your landlord as soon as possible and they must start repairs within 24 hours of being notified.

It’s advisable to arrange periodic inspections and maintenance performed by certified technicians to guarantee that your gas appliances are functioning at their best. Furthermore, addressing any necessary repairs promptly is essential to stave off further deterioration and higher gas consumption.

  • Seal and Insulate Your Home Properly

To substantially curtail the gas required to heat your apartment, it’s crucial to ensure your living space is effectively sealed and insulated. Vigilantly inspect for drafts near windows, doors, and other openings, and promptly seal any gaps with caulking or weatherstripping.

Moreover, contemplate the value of investing in high-quality insulation to maintain a comfortable environment in both winter and summer. By diminishing the strain on your heating system, you’ll make significant strides in reducing your gas bill.

  • Adopt Energy-Saving Habits

Nurturing energy-saving habits can be highly effective in curbing gas consumption. Implementing straightforward practices like reducing the thermostat when you’re not at home or asleep and opting for cold water when washing clothes can accumulate into significant savings over time.

Additionally, practicing mindfulness in your gas usage, employing pot lids to shorten cooking times, and refraining from excessive or needless use of gas appliances can play a pivotal role in maintaining control over your gas bill.

  • Install a Programmable Thermostat

Introducing a programmable thermostat to your gas-heated apartment is a valuable asset.  This lets you set different temperatures for different times of the day and week, aligning your heating routine with your daily schedule.

With the automated feature of lowering the temperature when you’re away or during the night, a programmable thermostat eliminates the necessity for manual adjustments and guarantees the efficient operation of your heating system.

Over time, the decrease in gas consumption can result in a noticeable reduction in your gas bill, rendering a programmable thermostat a sound investment for homeowners and renters alike who are mindful of their expenses.


In conclusion, modern apartments use gas for cooking, heating, hot water, and emergency power. Understanding your apartment’s gas-powered appliances and systems is essential for energy management and cost savings. 

To maximize our insights from this article, conduct an apartment energy audit; upgrade to energy-efficient appliances, and adopt energy-saving habits. By taking these proactive steps, you can not only lower your gas bills but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for our environment.

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