Dog lying on bed with laptop

Does Maintenance Report Pets in Apartments?

What to do if Maintenance Reports Pets in your Apartment

Since maintenance workers are employed by the property owner, they have a role in reporting any apparent lease breaches, such as the presence of pets. If the landlord has a pet policy for their apartments, they will most likely instruct maintenance to report pet issues.

In addition, the maintenance staff at a rental property knows pet policies that ban anybody from keeping pets and will report any infractions. Be prepared for someone to register your pet to the management if they see it acting aggressively against maintenance staff.

Real Estate Investors

10 Habits of Successful Real Estate Investors

Property management, wholesaling, and joint ventures are some of the few methods through which the real estate investors can benefit and make large profits. However, it takes a bit of know-how to become successful investors in the realty market.